Saturday, January 4, 2014

Trying to Conceive = Sex Becomes a Job

Trying to Conceive (TTC)

Attempting to get pregnant can sometimes snuff out the romance flame, for us it certainly has. These days trying to get pregnant is like a science experiment. If you have to try hard like we do you'll know what I mean. There are the tools like: basal thermometers, charts, folic acid, extra folic acid, vitamins, supplements, soft cups, preseed, period tracking apps, ovulation kits, and the list goes on -ugh! Then there's all the advice and rules: no drinking, no caffeine, lots of water, no ibuprofen (as if anything else works), check your cm (don't ask), elevate your hips, don't get up too fast, only once a day, stand on your head & say the alphabet backwards... SMH! Don't forget that sex becomes a job! If all that wasn't enough, you have the "Two Week Wait", during which time you'll drive yourself cray cray thinking any little twinge is a possible sign of pregnancy. You'll test every other day hoping that the last bfn (big fat negative) was just too early to tell. Then Aunt Flo (period, duh!) will arrive -cue the tears now! 

That's why this year we are throwing it all out the window. 20 months ago I had our daughter and if she's the only child I have, I will not be disappointed. She really is the most beautiful thing in my life.  Now the hubs and I plan to focus more on ourselves and our little family and less on the "job" of trying to make a baby. We lost a pregnancy in June and for the past 6 months, we have been going nuts to try to get pregnant again. It's been a roller coaster of stress & emotions and I think we are ready for a break! 

Here's to a less stressful new year! For all of you ladies working on TTC, good luck but don't lose the romance like we almost did. ;)

Welcome Home.

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