Monday, July 7, 2014

From 1 Minute to 1 Mile - A beginner's guide to running

Dear Friends, I am officially a runner!

Today I hit a huge milestone. I ran my first mile without stopping. Yeah, sure, some may roll their eyes but for me, this was a huge milestone. Hubby and I began running together (regularly) with little miss in the jogging stroller almost a month ago. At that time I was jogging a 1/4 mile and then walking, jogging a 1/4 mile then walking, ect. The thing that has really kept me going so far has been the quickness of improvements. Week 2 I was jogging 1/3 of a mile at a time and week 3, I was jogging 3/4 of a mile at a time. Now on day 1 of week 4 I pushed past the 1 mile mark. Hubby was in the Marine Corps and now is in the Air Force so he is a great running partner for me. He is encouraging and gentle but most of all he is right there with me, every slow stride of the way. :)

On Saturday we rode our bikes 32 miles so I rested Sunday to prepare for my run today. Let me be the first to say, wahooooooo!!!! 

Now that I enjoy running, the fun doesn't stop here. We usually run around our neighborhood but once I can run around our block twice (1.5 miles) we will likely switch it up at head to the metroparks path. I haven't been following a formal plan but rather setting landmark goals and listening to my body. Here's my mini guide for starting out running as a true beginner. 

Beginner's Running Guide

1. Have proper shoes and music ready to go with you. Find a buddy that can run with you (almost) every time. I always chew gum when I run to keep my throat and mouth moist.

2. On day one, run as far as you can push your body to get an idea of you're fitness level. Either track time or physical distance. 

3. Increase your time or distance by small increments every week. When you get to your "stop point" push beyond it. You'll be amazed at what your body is capable of.

4. Every week your body CAN run further, so push yourself. After a month you should be able to run 10 minutes straight or a whole mile. Don't get discouraged if it takes you longer though.

From one beginner to another, you can do it! You'll be so impressed with yourself when you do!

 Are you just starting out? Tell me about your Day 1?

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Summer Makeup Essentials

Summertime tans mean tossing aside almost all of my makeup. Between biking, running, and outdoor toddler play, my face has gained a nice glow. With my tan darkening by the day, I have only been using two products. The first is Bare Bronze by Victoria's Secret and the second is Maybelline volum' express.

After a recent eye infection I had to throw out a newly opened tube of $25 Dior Show mascara, and yes I was fuming! I heard great things about Volum' Express so I thought I'd give it a shot. Man! For only $7 this mascara can definitely compete with my higher end makeup :)

What is your summertime makeup routine? xoxo Jenn

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