Saturday, June 28, 2014

Toddler Teachable Moments: Hands on Nature

Yes that's my 2 year old transfixed by our neighbor's honeycomb. We love learning about nature up close and personal. Our neighbors have bees, we have chickens, and we adore our veggie garden.

[first bit of honey from the neighbors]

I love experiencing life's special moments for the first time through my daughter's eyes. That is why I try to give her new experiences all the time. She is so unspoiled. By that I mean, everything is exciting, new, and amazing. Earth's beauty isn't overlooked but little ones. It is such a precious thing to witness. 

[cinnamon, buck beak, mrs. weasley, and alice - our hens] 

Everyday we must ask ourselves, "what have I done to help my little one grow today".  Okay but really most days, as long as we are in one piece, it's a victory but I'm shooting for the moon here ladies! :)

I'll leave you with this gem of a quote from Jerry Seinfeld in case you though that I lost my funny bone. ;)

Welcome Home.

Raised Bed Garden Update

We are one month into our raised bed gardening season here in Northeast Ohio. Wahoo! I know, I know, I'm like a fat kid in Willy Wonka's Factory when it comes to watching my garden grow. But this year we went nuts planting all kinds of different plants and I'm so happy that most of them are thriving. 
Today I caged and staked my tomato plants. I also did some major weeding. We just tilled and planted this year so I'm having trouble keeping up with pulling weeds and grass. In the bed above we have planted (from closed to furthest away): carrots, onions, potatoes, brussel sprouts, and tomatoes. Everything is growing nicely though the potatoes come up in unpredictable spots and I'll plant them differently next year. 
Here we have one watermelon plant in the front, eggplants, and squash. The eggplants are not happy campers but I'm trying to give them time to see what happens.
My pepper plants are still quite small but the tomato plants here are looking great. :) The photo doesn't do them justice.
Peas & Basil
Beans & Cilantro
More beans ;)
Mmmmm basil!

I imagine that in just another month we will have huge growth now that we have +80F temps nearly everyday. 

With that here's my favorite gardening quote as I am a new wino: "Compost is best aged a little like a fine wine. I mean, would you prefer to drink a nice 97, or something that was made last Thursday."

Welcome Home.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Last Forever & Dear John Book Reviews

I've fallen back in love with reading. Or I should say we reunited after a brief parting of ways. People who know me would say that I can only handle one hobby at a time. From sewing to crochet and from baking to gardening, I love it all.  This past week I read two books. Our family has been sick so it's been the perfect quiet time reTREAT for me. 

The first book I read was The Last Forever by Deb Caletti. Following the death of her mother, Tess must deal with an unravelling father while attempting to sift through her own grief. While I expected a swooning love story, this book focuses more on family dynamics and personal growth. I love the way Deb Caletti writes. She writes the way I think and that was refreshing. The story itself was a nice light read but lacked the depth I usually prefer in a book. I'd give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The second book I read was Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. The military made him a respectable man but when John met Savannah, she helped develop his character by teaching him what selfless love really was. The movie version has already been on DVD for awhile but I haven't seen it yet. This was my first Sparks book and I really enjoyed it. It's tender, heart wrenching, and shines a light on a growing condition in this country, Austism. All in all a medium weight book and a very quick read. I would recommend it especially if you haven't seen the movie yet. 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Current weeks reads: A Time to Dance by Karen Kingsbury and I'd Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman. Now, rediscover the library (if you don't already live there) and jump on this summer reading adventure with me. What are you reading right NOW?

Welcome Home.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Father's Day Handprint Craft / Card

Father's Day is quickly approaching, t-minus 13 days and counting. Craft #1 that my toddler and I worked on is a handprint card. The outside says, "Happy Father's Day Daddy". Here's a picture of the inside.

This is super fitting of my hubby. He loves to fish but rarely catches a thing. Teehee, he's a really good sport about it though so I think he'll enjoy this card. 

We are also making a "Fisherman's Survival Kit.

[free printables here:]

Your turn! What kind of Father's Day surprises do you have lined up this year?

Welcome Home.