Tuesday, April 29, 2014

DIY Little Mermaid Apron

Naptime crafting is the best! I have been wanting to make a dress-up apron for a long time now. Today's craft is a little mermaid inspired dress-up apron. 

The whole project cost me about five dollars in materials. I have been buying fabric from Joann's for forever but someone recently told me that walmart has fabric in store. Holy cow! Can we say bargain!? The selection is minimal and since I don't shop there, it was an added trip, but the price was great. I paid 1/3 of the prices at Joann's!

The whole project took me about 2 hours  since I had to do a lot of pinning. It was easy and a fun play accessory for my toddler. When I showed it to her she squealed and said, "mermaid". I call that a win! ;)

Welcome Home.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sew Your Own Queen Elsa Dress from Frozen

So if you have a daughter then it's likely you know all about Frozen. As the mother of a two year old, I sure do. I call it Frozen Fever, it's highly contagious and causes symptoms of: desperate merchandise shopping, panic attacks, 4 hour disney store line waits, and lack of merch induced depression. Luckily, my toddler is still so young that I don't have to run around collecting the character plushes just yet (even though I'd like to).

I did make my daughter Elsa's dress, or at least something similar. Here are some more pictures of it. It cost about $25 in supplies.

The cape is made of the same sheer fabric as the sleeves. I also went through and hot glued gems onto the cape in the shape of a snow flake toward the bottom. I put gems all over the cape at random as well. 

I love how it turned out and for my first dress with sleeves, I kind of impressed myself! LoL

What has Frozen done to all of you?

Welcome Home.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dear Men, Do This!

Can we say candlelit dinner for two please?!

I can't help but to gush over my husband. He still takes my breath away. Thursday night he arranged such a sweet surprise dinner on our back patio. He planned it and set it up as I put our toddler to bed.

Steak, salads, wine, (beer for Mr. Caveman) and a candle to top it off. When I asked him why he said, "just because". The plates didn't match, the silverware was in the wrong place, and the wine glass was all wrong... but none of that mattered, I was on (a very giggly) cloud 9.

So guys out there: it doesn't matter if you've been married for 4 weeks, 4 years (like us), or 4 decades, making your wife feel special and loved is the most wonderful thing that you can do! And yes, of course he got some, LOL!

Do this! You're welcome men!

Welcome Home.

Bunny Notes, Basket, and Trails... Oh my!

Happy Easter Everyone!
I'll make this short and sweet since it's waaaay past this bunny's bedtime. Here is my set up for my 2 year old's Easter morning!
A note that is now on E's door.
And the trail to her basket begins!
Follow the bunny tracks...
To find a basket under the table :)
The basket contains: a kite, magnetic alphabet letters, wooden alphabet puzzle, princess bubbles, bead necklaces, pjs, books, and Frozen stickers that are not in the photo.

Tell me about your Easter morning!

Welcome Home.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Wife First, Mother Second, and Proud of it!

Yes, you heard me correctly! I am a wife first and mother second. Many people will (&have) taken my saying this to the extreme. For our family, it's all about balance! Recently, a mom in a FB group I'm in was complaining about being too tired for sex. My advice was simple and from the heart
Me, "Well ladies, we were wives first. This is what I try to remember. There were many times that first year that I didn't feel up to it but sometimes if you just give in to his touch, you'd be surprised how much you missed it. We are tired and stressed and what better way to relieve that stress! The best I can do for my children is to love my husband well."

Anon Mom, "I'm NOT a wife first.  I am a mother first and foremost above all things. After nearly 2 years of breastfeeding my hormones are still out of whack. I have absolutely zero sex drive and I do not force myself to get "in the mood". If my husband forced me, it'd be rape. So why would I ever force myself?  And I practice extended breastfeeding because it's what my son needs. My son's needs will always come before my husband's.  Especially something as trivial as sexual needs. I would never consider weaning before my son was ready just so I could get my freak back on. But like someone else already stated.... everyone's relationship dynamics are different."

To say that I disagree with her extreme sentiment would be putting things mildly. For me. I set out to marry for love, to marry a man that I'd like my boys to be like, to marry a man that would emulate what my daughters should look for in a husband one day, and to marry a man that I would love to grow old with. I set out everyday to love my husband well. We have a very physical relationship. We hold hands very frequently, he rests his hand on my leg as we drive in the car together, as I pass by him I kiss his neck, and we love to be in love with each other!  

I have one (2 year old) daughter. From the moment I saw her at 4:29 am on that Easter Sunday morning, I knew love at first sight existed. I put my all into being a stay at home mother. My daughter is the apple of my eye and I cherish every beautiful (and not so beautiful) moment that we have together. I can whole heartedly say that she is the most loved and cared for child that ever was, but I may be a teensy bit biased. As a couple that has been head over heels in love for over 6 years, we are able to nurture and love our daughter together. When our child(ren) are grown and leave the house, we will tearfully wave goodbye holding hands together. So many marriages fall apart because the spouses don't give priority to their marriage. There are so many positive impacts of raising children in a home with a loving marriage. 

We are the first example of marriage our kids see. I want to show my kids what a healthy relationship looks like. After all, that helps set the stage for the rest of their lives. Of course my child's needs are more than always met but I have to keep my relationship with my husband in focus as well. 

Ultimately my love is endless and without preference. I love my family and look forward to expanding it. (But no more dogs!) Overreact if you must but I choose to believe that most of you agree with me about balance (even if not about the dogs).

Where do you stand on family dynamics?

Welcome Home.