Thursday, September 4, 2014

Toddlers, Cleaning Supplies, and Racist Undertones, oh my!

I'm not 100% sure but it seems as though there is a season to buy miniature cleaning supplies and right now we are in the off season. Hubby and I have been searching for a little broom and mop for El and after hitting 6 different retailers, we came up empty. This morning might as well have been Christmas in our home as my husband walked in the door with a fully assembled (yes, batteries and all) and out-of-the-box cleaning trolley for our two year old. 

As she toddled away turning the vaccum cleaner on and off a hundred or so time, I casually looked over hubby's purchase.

My first impression was that it looked like the kind of cart a housekeeper in a hotel would push around. The spray bottle and laundry soap box are labelled, "Just Like Home". To top it off, the child on the box appears to be Hispanic. Uh, yeah, my thoughts exactly! 

Maybe it's a coincidence but the not-so-subtle irony was apparent. It makes me think of the one & only episode of Family Guy I have ever watched (just not my thing) and their housekeeper, Consuela. Ah, but I digress. El happily played with her cart and is getting pretty good with the dust pan. I put a handful of dry noodles on the floor for her to practice her "mommy's helper skills". Can anyone remind me about the toddler labor laws in Ohio? 

Welcome Home.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Mystery of Grace - A Stay at Home Mom's Journey

Motherhood does many things to us both inside and out. The most substantial change in me is the gift of grace. Sure I'm still clumsy, can never figure out which is the salad fork, and am a novice wine drinker. The grace I was given is on the inside. Maybe it was always in me, hiding or waiting for the perfect moment to bloom. But let me back up to the beginning. 

Rewind to my pre-mommy days.
I was not a patient person. Easily annoyed and my angry button was pushed in on the regular. That's not to say that I was unkind or unpleasant, I've always found it easy to make friends. With family and my husband, I could be ungrateful at times (embarrassing and hard to own up to as it is). Looking back, I'm just lucky that none of them kicked me to the curb. My husband says that I am exaggerating on those accounts but I disagree. Maybe it has something to do with reflecting on how I was then, from where I am now. Then I found grace.

April 2012
My story may be unique, though I hope it's not. Becoming a mother changes us all. My daughter's crying never stressed me and the lack of sleep was always worth it. Now with a feisty toddler, the challenges are different but the patience remains unending. You see for me, I had no choice, I loved my daughter from the moment that test showed two lines. Motherhood is challenging but the love that overflows in me is without words. When she's screaming and throwing a fit in my arms, I quietly whisper to her, "I love you in every way". It's not forced, it is the most natural thing I've felt in my life. It saddens me that not everyone has this beautiful connection and gift.

What is a Mother's Grace?
It is a peaceful quiet in your soul. It is endless patience. It is a beautiful bond between a mother and her child. It is a gift. 

Where is my Grace?
In meeting other moms & seeing friends become moms, my eyes have opened to how vastly different people can be as parents. Some become parents out of a feeling of family obligation or because their biological clock is ticking. Others try for years to conceive & some get there by chance. One thing to me is certain, not everyone feels the gushy love for their kids at first (or maybe ever). We are all so different in many ways and this "grace" isn't something you can just reach out and grab. Perhaps it finds us when we need it the most.

What Now?
First, stop being so hard on yourself. You are caring for your child, sadly, that is more than many can say. Remember that being lovey-duvey does not a perfect parent make. Being able to have slightly more guarded emotions may make gentle discipline and rule enforcing an easier task. Lastly, remember that your efforts toward a closer relationship with your child are never a waste. 

If you were lucky enough to feel that love at first sight, there is still work to be done. For me, it meant finding a way to harness that quiet peacefulness and using it to better my relationships with everyone around me. 

Welcome Home.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tomato Basil Quiche Recipe

My mouth is watering just thinking about this quiche. For me, tomato basil quiche is perfect for any meal (ahem, every meal). This is the first pie I've made entirely from scratch. Usually I just buy frozen pie crust but let's just say I was feeling ambitious. So without much yapping from me, here's my favorite adaptation of Tomato Basil Quiche.

Start by making (or buying) your favorite crust recipe. I usually leave out most of the sugar as this is a savory dish.

This year I grew a lot of tomatoes. 3 different varieties and 8 plants. Can we say beta-carotene overload!? Literally I have gone all "bubba" from Forrest Gump on you guys. Tomato sandwiches, tomato capris salad, grilled tomatoes, tomato sauce, okay you get the picture! So grab your tomatoes and here's how to make this quiche (didn't I say I was done yapping? Sorry I lied).

[a small glimpse of our produce from the garden this year]

The What:
Prepared pie crust 
3 eggs
15 halved cherry tomatoes 
1 1/2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
1 lb of sausage (we use turkey sausage)
1/4 cup chopped basil
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp italian seasoning
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder
Salt & Pepper to taste

The How:
Preheat your oven to 350F. 
Brown the sausage and thoroughly drain off any excess fat. 
Combine all ingredients and pour into the pie crust. 
Please be sure to salt this dish prior to cooking. It's better to salt before, than after. 
Bake for 27-32 minutes or until top is set. Allow at least 15 minutes to cool and set up before slicing (don't skip this step).
This recipe has 8 servings and depending upon the pie crust you make, it has about 265 calories per serving.

I hope you love this as much as my whole family does. Yum!

Welcome Home.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ava Anderson Organic Deodorant Review

[I am in no way affiliated with any below mentioned companies. I just like talking about & sharing great products when I find them.]

Alright ladies, let's talk stink! I'm a girl & I sweat. If I'm being perfectly honest, I sweat a lot! This is my story (cue Law & Order dun dun).

My Ava Anderson products arrived recently and I was like a giggly preteen as I came inside to open my package. I have slowly been switching our family to organic and chemical free cleaning & body products. We have been buying organic food (as much as our budget has allowed) for over 2 years now and I make most everything that would be considered "processed food" from scratch at home (if we eat it at all).

One thing I have had a really hard time letting go of, is my sweet smelling body & hair products (& cheesecake). As many of you are aware, these products contain countless chemicals and your skin soaks it all up (but not cheesecake, it is perfect in every way, but I digress). Still, I was hestitant to leave behind my Degree anti-perspiratant for fear of smelling like I lived in a barn. I switched to Toms Deodorant but didn't care for it. Recently, I won a full sized Ava Anderson deodorant at an Ava Party. (Yay!)

Here are my thoughts on this organic deodorant:
-After a 2 mile run in 80% humidity, I did not stink. In fact, my underarms didn't smell like anything. (No I did not eat cheesecake after the run ;-) )
-The fragrance from the essential oils is mild.
-No stains on my clothing.
-Cool sensation upon applying.
-The stick is hard and doesn't apply very easily.
-The peppermint & cocoa butter scent mixture isn't my favorite but it's tolerable.

All in all, finding a chemical-free deodorant that does it's job so well is awesome. I'd feel very confident recommending it to any of you sweaty ladies. What kind of organic cleaning & body products do you like most? Share your thoughts below!

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Pushing Beyond 5k - A healthy update ;)

I promise I didn't leave you all. Life happened and I haven't been posting much. We lost a chicken to a neighboring dog and have been outside A LOT this summer.

A month and a half ago I shared with you my 1 mile story. I still can't believe that I run at all. Since then I have done 3 5k runs (one was 3.5 miles) without stopping and have taken 1 minute and 15 seconds off of my pace per mile. Once I get beyond the 2nd mile, my pace is set and everything just seems easier. In 8 weeks I went from jogging 1/4 mile at a time to over 3 miles at a time. To say that running has changed my life would be a bit premature but I will tell you that it is changing my life. 

Instead of tv time or driving around with my husband, we are outside running at least 3 days a week with our 2 year old in the stroller. We make healthier choices and have both lost weight. My hubby has always kept fit through running as he is still in the military. After leaving the Army, I'll be honest- I got lazy. Not just with my exercise but with my eating as well. It's embarrassing to admit but one day it will be my success story. 

Now my goal is 5 miles. I plan to hit that sometime in September. 10 weeks into my "new life" I can tell you that I am a better person inside and out. I've lost 37 lbs, 2 pants sizes, and am working on continuing to better my relationship with food. (Darn that period for mucking me up yesterday!) It's amazing how much happier my life has become and while I have had to sacrifice play date time with my toddler & our friends, it has been worth it. Now we have much more productive family time and our 2 year old is growing up with parents who are regularly active together.

If you are in a similar position to where I was just a few weeks ago, let me say that starting now is never too late. Whether you're 52 or 15 years old, 150 lbs or 300 lbs, one step in the right direction is better than none at all.

I'm sure that I'll continue to update as I go. What are you doing to get outside this summer? xoxo Jenn

Welcome Home.

Monday, July 7, 2014

From 1 Minute to 1 Mile - A beginner's guide to running

Dear Friends, I am officially a runner!

Today I hit a huge milestone. I ran my first mile without stopping. Yeah, sure, some may roll their eyes but for me, this was a huge milestone. Hubby and I began running together (regularly) with little miss in the jogging stroller almost a month ago. At that time I was jogging a 1/4 mile and then walking, jogging a 1/4 mile then walking, ect. The thing that has really kept me going so far has been the quickness of improvements. Week 2 I was jogging 1/3 of a mile at a time and week 3, I was jogging 3/4 of a mile at a time. Now on day 1 of week 4 I pushed past the 1 mile mark. Hubby was in the Marine Corps and now is in the Air Force so he is a great running partner for me. He is encouraging and gentle but most of all he is right there with me, every slow stride of the way. :)

On Saturday we rode our bikes 32 miles so I rested Sunday to prepare for my run today. Let me be the first to say, wahooooooo!!!! 

Now that I enjoy running, the fun doesn't stop here. We usually run around our neighborhood but once I can run around our block twice (1.5 miles) we will likely switch it up at head to the metroparks path. I haven't been following a formal plan but rather setting landmark goals and listening to my body. Here's my mini guide for starting out running as a true beginner. 

Beginner's Running Guide

1. Have proper shoes and music ready to go with you. Find a buddy that can run with you (almost) every time. I always chew gum when I run to keep my throat and mouth moist.

2. On day one, run as far as you can push your body to get an idea of you're fitness level. Either track time or physical distance. 

3. Increase your time or distance by small increments every week. When you get to your "stop point" push beyond it. You'll be amazed at what your body is capable of.

4. Every week your body CAN run further, so push yourself. After a month you should be able to run 10 minutes straight or a whole mile. Don't get discouraged if it takes you longer though.

From one beginner to another, you can do it! You'll be so impressed with yourself when you do!

 Are you just starting out? Tell me about your Day 1?

Welcome Home.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Summer Makeup Essentials

Summertime tans mean tossing aside almost all of my makeup. Between biking, running, and outdoor toddler play, my face has gained a nice glow. With my tan darkening by the day, I have only been using two products. The first is Bare Bronze by Victoria's Secret and the second is Maybelline volum' express.

After a recent eye infection I had to throw out a newly opened tube of $25 Dior Show mascara, and yes I was fuming! I heard great things about Volum' Express so I thought I'd give it a shot. Man! For only $7 this mascara can definitely compete with my higher end makeup :)

What is your summertime makeup routine? xoxo Jenn

Welcome Home.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Toddler Teachable Moments: Hands on Nature

Yes that's my 2 year old transfixed by our neighbor's honeycomb. We love learning about nature up close and personal. Our neighbors have bees, we have chickens, and we adore our veggie garden.

[first bit of honey from the neighbors]

I love experiencing life's special moments for the first time through my daughter's eyes. That is why I try to give her new experiences all the time. She is so unspoiled. By that I mean, everything is exciting, new, and amazing. Earth's beauty isn't overlooked but little ones. It is such a precious thing to witness. 

[cinnamon, buck beak, mrs. weasley, and alice - our hens] 

Everyday we must ask ourselves, "what have I done to help my little one grow today".  Okay but really most days, as long as we are in one piece, it's a victory but I'm shooting for the moon here ladies! :)

I'll leave you with this gem of a quote from Jerry Seinfeld in case you though that I lost my funny bone. ;)

Welcome Home.

Raised Bed Garden Update

We are one month into our raised bed gardening season here in Northeast Ohio. Wahoo! I know, I know, I'm like a fat kid in Willy Wonka's Factory when it comes to watching my garden grow. But this year we went nuts planting all kinds of different plants and I'm so happy that most of them are thriving. 
Today I caged and staked my tomato plants. I also did some major weeding. We just tilled and planted this year so I'm having trouble keeping up with pulling weeds and grass. In the bed above we have planted (from closed to furthest away): carrots, onions, potatoes, brussel sprouts, and tomatoes. Everything is growing nicely though the potatoes come up in unpredictable spots and I'll plant them differently next year. 
Here we have one watermelon plant in the front, eggplants, and squash. The eggplants are not happy campers but I'm trying to give them time to see what happens.
My pepper plants are still quite small but the tomato plants here are looking great. :) The photo doesn't do them justice.
Peas & Basil
Beans & Cilantro
More beans ;)
Mmmmm basil!

I imagine that in just another month we will have huge growth now that we have +80F temps nearly everyday. 

With that here's my favorite gardening quote as I am a new wino: "Compost is best aged a little like a fine wine. I mean, would you prefer to drink a nice 97, or something that was made last Thursday."

Welcome Home.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Last Forever & Dear John Book Reviews

I've fallen back in love with reading. Or I should say we reunited after a brief parting of ways. People who know me would say that I can only handle one hobby at a time. From sewing to crochet and from baking to gardening, I love it all.  This past week I read two books. Our family has been sick so it's been the perfect quiet time reTREAT for me. 

The first book I read was The Last Forever by Deb Caletti. Following the death of her mother, Tess must deal with an unravelling father while attempting to sift through her own grief. While I expected a swooning love story, this book focuses more on family dynamics and personal growth. I love the way Deb Caletti writes. She writes the way I think and that was refreshing. The story itself was a nice light read but lacked the depth I usually prefer in a book. I'd give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.

The second book I read was Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. The military made him a respectable man but when John met Savannah, she helped develop his character by teaching him what selfless love really was. The movie version has already been on DVD for awhile but I haven't seen it yet. This was my first Sparks book and I really enjoyed it. It's tender, heart wrenching, and shines a light on a growing condition in this country, Austism. All in all a medium weight book and a very quick read. I would recommend it especially if you haven't seen the movie yet. 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Current weeks reads: A Time to Dance by Karen Kingsbury and I'd Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman. Now, rediscover the library (if you don't already live there) and jump on this summer reading adventure with me. What are you reading right NOW?

Welcome Home.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Father's Day Handprint Craft / Card

Father's Day is quickly approaching, t-minus 13 days and counting. Craft #1 that my toddler and I worked on is a handprint card. The outside says, "Happy Father's Day Daddy". Here's a picture of the inside.

This is super fitting of my hubby. He loves to fish but rarely catches a thing. Teehee, he's a really good sport about it though so I think he'll enjoy this card. 

We are also making a "Fisherman's Survival Kit.

[free printables here:]

Your turn! What kind of Father's Day surprises do you have lined up this year?

Welcome Home.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Making a Summer Adventure Bucket List

Here in Northeast Ohio we are lucky enough to have thousands of miles of trails to enjoy. Everything including: all purpose paved trails, towpaths, rugged trails, mountain biking trails, bridle trails, and so on. As a nature loving family, we love it! Yesterday we visited Brandywine Falls (again) and hiked a moderate trail. Hubby straps Little Bitty to his back and off we go. If you asked hubby or I why we hike, you'd get two different responses. I would tell you that we enjoy nature, being active, and exposing our little bitty to nature. Hubby has some crazy idea stuck in his head that we are training to "thru-hike" the Appalacian Trail. He is obviously delusional but we love him anyway. :-)
I snapped this pic before tightening the wrap, little bitty was sitting a little low but you get the idea. For now, the easiest way for us to cover a lot of ground is to wear our toddler. 

[Brandywine Falls]

With our love of nature I thought that we should make a Summer Hiking Bucket List. So Hubby & I have created a list of awesome hiking areas to try this summer and fall. All of our locations are a reasonable drive from our home in NE Ohio. Here is our top 10 places to hike this summer. (The following summaries of the trails are pulled from various websites which will be listed at the bottom)

   1.) Squires Castle

Squire's Castle at North Chagrin is a 5.2 mile loop trail located near Cleveland, Ohio that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate. 

2.) Mill Creek Park

Mill Creek Park has at least fourteen good hiking trails that will make you think that you were not in Ohio. The topography in Mill Creek Park seems to come from another state out West. Mill Creek park covers 2,530 acres and includes 21 miles of scenic drives and 15 miles of foot trails, and a rare collection of gardens, streams, lakes, woodlands, meadows and wildlife for all to enjoy. 

3.) Happy Days, Ledges and Pines

How can you not feel happy and relaxed with a trail named Happy Days, Ledges and Pines? Wind through the sanctuary of stone, trees and moss and enter a trail of enchantment. Happy Days trail offers three trails that are approximately 4.3 looped miles that are moderate to difficult. 

4.) Prairie Oaks Trails

Prairie Oaks features nearly 500 acres of lush prairies and grasslands. In late summer and early fall, visitors can see fields of beautifully flowering ashy sunflower, royal catchfly and purple coneflower against a backdrop of big and little bluestem and Indian grasses.

5.) Clear Creek

Clear Creek Valley is one of the most pristine and secluded natural areas in Central Ohio. Variations of land surfaces, soils and climates have produced a medley of habitats that harbor more than 800 plant species and 150 species of birds, many of them rare. You may catch a glimpse of turkey, deer, ruffed grouse, coyote, black vultures or even see the traces of the elusive bobcat along the park's 12 miles of trails.

6.) Nelson's Ledges

Nelson's Ledges State Park is a 2 mile loop trail located near Garrettsville, Ohio and is rated as difficult. The trail is primarily used for mountain biking and is accessible year-round.

7.) Little Miami River Loop and Spur Trail

Little Miami River Loop and Spur Trail is a 9 mile loop trail located near Yellow Springs, Ohio and is rated as moderate. The trail is primarily used for hiking and is accessible from April until October.

8.) Deer Lick Cave Loop Trail

Deer Lick Cave Loop Trail - Brecksville Reservation is a 4 mile loop trail located near Brecksville, Ohio that features a river. The trail is rated as difficult and primarily used for hiking, trail running & walking. 

9.) Mohican Trails

Mohican Trails include 13 miles of trails take you to the more interesting areas of the park and forest. Lyons Falls trail follows Clear Fork Gorge and features two waterfalls. The Hemlock trail leads to the scenic covered bridge, and Pleasant Hill trail follows the shoreline and offers beautiful views of the lake. 

10.) Hocking Hills - Old Man's Cave

The most popular of all the Hocking areas is Old Man's Cave, located on State Route 664. Here at the Upper Falls, the Grandma Gatewood Trail begins its six-mile course connecting three of the park's areas: Old Man's Cave to Cedar Falls to Ash Cave. This same trail has been designated as part of Ohio's Buckeye Trail as well as part of two national systems - the North Country Scenic Trail and America's Discovery Trail.

So that about wraps it up. For more info on these locations I provided the links for my sources below.

Welcome Home.

Raised Bed Gardening Video

The garden is in and growing but I thought I'd share our first weekly garden video blog. Eeeek... So exciting! Enjoy :D

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Raised Bed Gardening in Northern Ohio

Well I have been mostly MIA since the weather here in NE Ohio turned beautiful. We have been playing with the chickens, planning for our cow, and creating our garden. 
The garden began with my husband building three large beds. Then the chickens worked on scratching up the grass. Little by little our fruit & veggie garden began to take shape.
We tilled in some peat moss to make the soil nice and light for our plants. We are very fortunate to have extremely fertile soil, we have hundreds of earthworms as proof, ;)
[A hard at work hubby]
We had to install fencing around the garden since we have all kinds of critters living near by. Our wildlife (pesky a-holes) include: rabbits, geese, ducks, wild turkeys, raccoons, a fox, cats, deer (otherwise known as overgrown rats), ground hogs, squirrels, and mice. All of those are just what I've seen. The fence won't keep them all out but hopefully it'll deter them from trying to hard!
We are using straw in the beds as our mulch and also on the ground to keep the grass down (we need more still).

This first bed has carrots, onions, potatoes, brussel sprouts, and beefy tomatoes. The second has watermelons, eggplants, acron & spaghetti squashes. The third has green & red peppers, cherry & Roma tomatoes, and brussel sprouts. Once I get the spacing figured out, I'll plant my basil and cilantro seeds.

We are so excited to see what works and how well everything does and I'll keep you updated as the summer progresses.

What are your gardens looking like this summer?

Welcome Home. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

DIY Little Mermaid Apron

Naptime crafting is the best! I have been wanting to make a dress-up apron for a long time now. Today's craft is a little mermaid inspired dress-up apron. 

The whole project cost me about five dollars in materials. I have been buying fabric from Joann's for forever but someone recently told me that walmart has fabric in store. Holy cow! Can we say bargain!? The selection is minimal and since I don't shop there, it was an added trip, but the price was great. I paid 1/3 of the prices at Joann's!

The whole project took me about 2 hours  since I had to do a lot of pinning. It was easy and a fun play accessory for my toddler. When I showed it to her she squealed and said, "mermaid". I call that a win! ;)

Welcome Home.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sew Your Own Queen Elsa Dress from Frozen

So if you have a daughter then it's likely you know all about Frozen. As the mother of a two year old, I sure do. I call it Frozen Fever, it's highly contagious and causes symptoms of: desperate merchandise shopping, panic attacks, 4 hour disney store line waits, and lack of merch induced depression. Luckily, my toddler is still so young that I don't have to run around collecting the character plushes just yet (even though I'd like to).

I did make my daughter Elsa's dress, or at least something similar. Here are some more pictures of it. It cost about $25 in supplies.

The cape is made of the same sheer fabric as the sleeves. I also went through and hot glued gems onto the cape in the shape of a snow flake toward the bottom. I put gems all over the cape at random as well. 

I love how it turned out and for my first dress with sleeves, I kind of impressed myself! LoL

What has Frozen done to all of you?

Welcome Home.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dear Men, Do This!

Can we say candlelit dinner for two please?!

I can't help but to gush over my husband. He still takes my breath away. Thursday night he arranged such a sweet surprise dinner on our back patio. He planned it and set it up as I put our toddler to bed.

Steak, salads, wine, (beer for Mr. Caveman) and a candle to top it off. When I asked him why he said, "just because". The plates didn't match, the silverware was in the wrong place, and the wine glass was all wrong... but none of that mattered, I was on (a very giggly) cloud 9.

So guys out there: it doesn't matter if you've been married for 4 weeks, 4 years (like us), or 4 decades, making your wife feel special and loved is the most wonderful thing that you can do! And yes, of course he got some, LOL!

Do this! You're welcome men!

Welcome Home.

Bunny Notes, Basket, and Trails... Oh my!

Happy Easter Everyone!
I'll make this short and sweet since it's waaaay past this bunny's bedtime. Here is my set up for my 2 year old's Easter morning!
A note that is now on E's door.
And the trail to her basket begins!
Follow the bunny tracks...
To find a basket under the table :)
The basket contains: a kite, magnetic alphabet letters, wooden alphabet puzzle, princess bubbles, bead necklaces, pjs, books, and Frozen stickers that are not in the photo.

Tell me about your Easter morning!

Welcome Home.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Wife First, Mother Second, and Proud of it!

Yes, you heard me correctly! I am a wife first and mother second. Many people will (&have) taken my saying this to the extreme. For our family, it's all about balance! Recently, a mom in a FB group I'm in was complaining about being too tired for sex. My advice was simple and from the heart
Me, "Well ladies, we were wives first. This is what I try to remember. There were many times that first year that I didn't feel up to it but sometimes if you just give in to his touch, you'd be surprised how much you missed it. We are tired and stressed and what better way to relieve that stress! The best I can do for my children is to love my husband well."

Anon Mom, "I'm NOT a wife first.  I am a mother first and foremost above all things. After nearly 2 years of breastfeeding my hormones are still out of whack. I have absolutely zero sex drive and I do not force myself to get "in the mood". If my husband forced me, it'd be rape. So why would I ever force myself?  And I practice extended breastfeeding because it's what my son needs. My son's needs will always come before my husband's.  Especially something as trivial as sexual needs. I would never consider weaning before my son was ready just so I could get my freak back on. But like someone else already stated.... everyone's relationship dynamics are different."

To say that I disagree with her extreme sentiment would be putting things mildly. For me. I set out to marry for love, to marry a man that I'd like my boys to be like, to marry a man that would emulate what my daughters should look for in a husband one day, and to marry a man that I would love to grow old with. I set out everyday to love my husband well. We have a very physical relationship. We hold hands very frequently, he rests his hand on my leg as we drive in the car together, as I pass by him I kiss his neck, and we love to be in love with each other!  

I have one (2 year old) daughter. From the moment I saw her at 4:29 am on that Easter Sunday morning, I knew love at first sight existed. I put my all into being a stay at home mother. My daughter is the apple of my eye and I cherish every beautiful (and not so beautiful) moment that we have together. I can whole heartedly say that she is the most loved and cared for child that ever was, but I may be a teensy bit biased. As a couple that has been head over heels in love for over 6 years, we are able to nurture and love our daughter together. When our child(ren) are grown and leave the house, we will tearfully wave goodbye holding hands together. So many marriages fall apart because the spouses don't give priority to their marriage. There are so many positive impacts of raising children in a home with a loving marriage. 

We are the first example of marriage our kids see. I want to show my kids what a healthy relationship looks like. After all, that helps set the stage for the rest of their lives. Of course my child's needs are more than always met but I have to keep my relationship with my husband in focus as well. 

Ultimately my love is endless and without preference. I love my family and look forward to expanding it. (But no more dogs!) Overreact if you must but I choose to believe that most of you agree with me about balance (even if not about the dogs).

Where do you stand on family dynamics?

Welcome Home.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Easy Granola Recipe

I used to buy organic granola by the deliciously expensive box weekly. Greek yogurt, berries, and granola are a breakfast staple in our home. Making our own granola is easy and very inexpensive. Of course I have to share my favorite recipe and I'm sure you have most of these items in your pantry. Warning: Your house will smell amazing while this bakes, prepare for drool! ;)

The Cast:
2 1/2 cups oats
2 Tbs brown sugar
2 Tbs pure maple syrup
1 Tbs honey
A pinch of salt
1/4 cup of melted butter

The Plot:
Preheat your oven to 325F.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Bake on a parchment lined, rimmed baking sheet for 35-40 minutes or until golden but be careful not to burn. Stir the granola 1/2 way through baking.
Cool and store in an air tight container.

After it's cooled, feel free to mix in dried fruit, seeds, nuts, or whatever else you like. This is a great base recipe and you can always tweak it to fit your tastes.

Are you all as in love with granola as we are? 

Welcome Home.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Reese's Peanut Butter Egg Recipe

Peanut butter, chocolate, heaven... I'm just glad you can't see me drooling right now. These things are like crack! Literally! I made these peanut butter eggs as a test run before Easter. They couldn't be any easier, really! So without much babble from me, here's the recipe:

1 cup natural peanut butter (or whatever you have)
1/4 cup melted butter
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 bag of dark chocolate melt wafers (find them in the cake decorating aisle) 

Cream everything but the chocolate together. Form into 12 flattened eggs and freeze for at least 30 minutes. Freezing them makes it easier to coat with chocoate. Follow the melting instructions on your chocolate melt wafers' bag and coat each egg. They should be set up within 10 minutes. Store at room temp for up to 2 weeks (not that they'll last that long!)

Yields 12 Large Eggs

I used natural peanut butter because (nerd alert) I make it myself and I enjoy a little bit of texture but creamy works just as well. Work quickly during the coating phase as the chocolate hardens in a hurry. I plan to give these little gems as gifts on Easter in 1/2 dozen egg cartons. This batch went into work with the hubby because I can't be trusted around chocolate.

For that reason (among others) we have a candy-free rule especially on holidays that revolve around sweets. Our Easter baskets (yes, I still get one even at my age) are filled with new pajamas, sundresses, games, toys, art supplies, and Easter prayer cards. What kind of non-food items fill your Easter basket?

Welcome Home.