Saturday, June 28, 2014

Toddler Teachable Moments: Hands on Nature

Yes that's my 2 year old transfixed by our neighbor's honeycomb. We love learning about nature up close and personal. Our neighbors have bees, we have chickens, and we adore our veggie garden.

[first bit of honey from the neighbors]

I love experiencing life's special moments for the first time through my daughter's eyes. That is why I try to give her new experiences all the time. She is so unspoiled. By that I mean, everything is exciting, new, and amazing. Earth's beauty isn't overlooked but little ones. It is such a precious thing to witness. 

[cinnamon, buck beak, mrs. weasley, and alice - our hens] 

Everyday we must ask ourselves, "what have I done to help my little one grow today".  Okay but really most days, as long as we are in one piece, it's a victory but I'm shooting for the moon here ladies! :)

I'll leave you with this gem of a quote from Jerry Seinfeld in case you though that I lost my funny bone. ;)

Welcome Home.

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