Thursday, January 23, 2014

C25K Week 3

5k Training Update or I didn't die!!!

As I had mentioned in the past, I'm following the c25k running plan. I finished week 3 day 1 yesterday and let me just say I am really proud of myself. To many, this wouldn't be an accomplishment at all, so go ahead and laugh. For me, this was a physical fitness bench mark, but an even bigger mental breakthrough. I ran for 2 intervals of a 1/2 mile without stopping and 2 intervals of short time high intensity. AND I didn't die! I had been psyching myself out over this workout for days.  

Can I do it?
Should I repeat an easier run?
What if I can't?

After all that, you know what, it wasn't that bad! My legs were burning toward the end and it wasn't easy but I did it! It's like a switch clicked in my head when I finished my workout. I am going to be ready for this 5K in May! 

I'll be done with the program by the 1st week of March, giving myself 2 months to  improve my speed. The color run 5k is not a timed event but I'd really like to keep up with my husband. :) I have a long way to go but if I can do it, anyone can! Challenge yourself today, before today becomes tomorrow!


  1. If you need a running buddy, I'm your man! er, wo-man... either way ;)

  2. Move closer lady and it could be an every day thing :D


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