Saturday, June 28, 2014

Raised Bed Garden Update

We are one month into our raised bed gardening season here in Northeast Ohio. Wahoo! I know, I know, I'm like a fat kid in Willy Wonka's Factory when it comes to watching my garden grow. But this year we went nuts planting all kinds of different plants and I'm so happy that most of them are thriving. 
Today I caged and staked my tomato plants. I also did some major weeding. We just tilled and planted this year so I'm having trouble keeping up with pulling weeds and grass. In the bed above we have planted (from closed to furthest away): carrots, onions, potatoes, brussel sprouts, and tomatoes. Everything is growing nicely though the potatoes come up in unpredictable spots and I'll plant them differently next year. 
Here we have one watermelon plant in the front, eggplants, and squash. The eggplants are not happy campers but I'm trying to give them time to see what happens.
My pepper plants are still quite small but the tomato plants here are looking great. :) The photo doesn't do them justice.
Peas & Basil
Beans & Cilantro
More beans ;)
Mmmmm basil!

I imagine that in just another month we will have huge growth now that we have +80F temps nearly everyday. 

With that here's my favorite gardening quote as I am a new wino: "Compost is best aged a little like a fine wine. I mean, would you prefer to drink a nice 97, or something that was made last Thursday."

Welcome Home.

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